
This has been the first step and one of the most important for our logistics, the logistics process has an average of 11 cargo manipulations from when it leaves the factory until it reaches your client's warehouse, between loading, unloading, opening and closing of packages, inspections at origin and destination by different entities, mobilization within means of transport, among others; It is your responsibility to provide adequate packaging and packaging for the merchandise, which guarantees that the product reaches its destination in optimal conditions.

PACKAGING: It is the material used to protect the merchandise from the outside, for example: double corrugated cardboard boxes, bubble wrap, yumbolon, plastic bags (they are used to protect the product from moisture, but not as packaging, it goes inside the boxes cardboard), styrofoam, foam, cardboard corners or toecaps, among others.

PACKAGING: It is the material that groups the packaging, such as pallets or pallets, wooden or plastic crates, stretch plastic, band, among others. When we transport merchandise on wooden pallets, pallets or crates, we must guarantee that it complies with international standards for fumigation of wood, otherwise, we would incur additional expenses for fumigation, repackaging and / or destruction of the packaging material.

At the time of packing the merchandise, the restrictions of the mode of transport, such as dimensions and maximum weight per piece (this applies especially to air cargo) and / or the restrictions at origin and destination for handling the cargo, keep in mind that the pallets are handled by forklifts that have weight limits per piece and the handling of oversized or overweight pieces can generate additional costs.

In CLM Cargo with our Packing and Packing Service, we take the measurements of your merchandise and we make the pallets or certified crates to measure. Check here for the value of this service.


The marking or use of the packaging pictograms of the packages must be visible and easily identifiable with their proper label and information on how to handle it, if it is delicate, if it cannot be wet, if it is fragile, if it is dangerous cargo (IMO-UN), how much can it pack or if it is not removable, if the cargo must travel upward, among others.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • ¿Where can i find the regulation for moving in Colombia?

    Regulations: DECREE 390 OF 2016 (CUSTOMS STATUS)

    Article 309. Requirements for the importation of household goods / moving.

  • ¿What do I need to enter my household or international move in Colombia?

    To enjoy the benefit mentioned in the previous article, the traveler must comply with the following:

    1. Must be a resident abroad who enters the national customs territory to establish residence there. For these purposes, the resident abroad is the person who lives abroad for at least twenty-four (24) continuous or discontinuous months, during the three (3) years immediately prior to their arrival in the country.
    2. The household / moving must belong to a person or their family unit. In this case, the list of the people who make up the family unit must be presented.
    3. The household / moving items must come from the country in which its owner was residing. When for technical reasons, related to the voltage or the transmission system, some electrical appliances cannot be used in Colombia, the origin of a country other than the country of residence will be admitted, after proof of the fact.
    4. The introduction of a household / moving item may only be authorized by a single customs office.
    5. The household / moving may be declared through a customs agency before the arrival of its owner to the country, in whose name it must be consigned.
    6. The term for the arrival to the national customs territory of the household goods / moving will be one (1) month before or three (3) months after the date of arrival of its owner. In duly justified cases, the customs authority may authorize the entry of household goods / moving after the aforementioned term.

    The passport constitutes the supporting document of the customs declaration, as well as the transport document and the insurance policy or those that take their place, and it does not require registration or import license or approval. 

    In the event of non-compliance with any of the aforementioned requirements, the regime change must be made with the payment of the corresponding import duties and taxes. 

    Whoever has introduced a household goods / moving to the national customs territory, may only exercise the right provided in articles 308 and 309 of this decree, after five (5) years have elapsed from the date of authorization of withdrawal of the initially imported household goods / moving.

  • ¿What documents i will need to do the import in Colombia?

    The documents that you will need to import your household goods / moving in Colombia are:

    1. Certificate of residence issued by the Colombian Consulate in origin stating the client's permanence abroad for at least two (2) consecutive years (only for Colombian citizens).
    2. Work or residence visa in Colombia valid for at least one year (only for foreign citizens).
    3. Power of attorney with the customs broker
    4. Traveler's declaration (Document that is delivered to the client on the plane before landing at the Colombian airport and in which they must declare that they enter unaccompanied luggage and / or personal effects).
    5. B/L or original air waybill, must show current weight of the goods and / or volume, delivery details, etc.
    6. Complete and detailed inventory of the household goods / moving  (in Spanish), which must show the brand ranges, the model and the serial number for all appliances and electronic equipment (vacuum cleaners, microwave ovens, toasters, televisions, DVD players). video, personal computers, etc.); If possible, electronic devices must be packed together.The packing list must be discriminated item by package and their respective individual value, in case of having the cargo insured at the time of a claim, this will be the value for which the insurer will answer you.
    7. Diplomatic officials must have a diplomatic entry format, which must be requested from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bogotá, specifically for the mission they are going to carry out, be cleared by any Customs in the country. The name of the mission or the owner should be noted on the shipping documents.
    8. Certificate of return law approved (If applicable).
  • ¿The import of household good / moving in Colombia has restrictions?

    Yes, the import of household good / moving in Colombia has the following restrictions:

    • Cleaning implements.

    • Food.

    • Firearms.

    • Medications and / or drugs.

    • Chemical substances.

    • Fauna and Flora.

    • Taxidermy (Must comply with the provisions of DECREE 1608 of July 31, 1978).

    • Vehicles.

    • Electric bicycles, it will depend on the legislation of the country of destination.

    • Only one electronic device of each class is allowed to be transported, except air conditioning, which has a limit of up to three and televisions, up to two.

    • The bedroom furniture must correspond to the number of people in the family.

  • ¿Can i import my goods and then leave Colombia to live abroad again?

    Only those residents abroad who enter COLOMBIA to permanently establish their residence will be the holders of household goods / moving.

  • ¿What are the most frequent destinations for Colombian citizens?

    Below we mention some of the countries that have more frequency in the mobilization of people according to the government of Colombia,: 

    • United States
    • Canada
    • Mexico
    • Costa Rica
    • Panama
    • Argentina
    • Chile
    • Ecuador
    • Peru
    • Brazil
    • France
    • England - UK
    • Italy
    • Belgium 
    • Holland 
  • ¿Who is a resident abroad?

    A resident abroad is the person who lives abroad for at least 24 continuous or discontinuous months.

    Colombians residing abroad who return to Colombia to establish their residence in the country, will have the right to introduce personal effects and household goods / moving corresponding to their family unit, without requiring an Import Registration or License, the Return Law, Law 1565 of 2012 to obtain the benefit of taxes, for more information visit  

  • ¿Can I export my MOVING by air?

    Yes, you can export or import your household goods by air transport, you must take into account the packaging so that your merchandise arrives in excellent condition, the size of the pieces, and the size of the aircraft doors so that everything can enter the aircraft, the maximum weight allowed per piece and other accessibility standards.

  • ¿What requirements do I need to deliver my Unaccompanied baggage?

    The requirements to deliver your Unaccompanied baggage previous to your 

    flight are:

    1. Copy of the Traveler's Air Ticket.

    2. Copy of Passport.

    3. Packing List (each unit, suitcase or box).

    4. Declared value or original invoice.

    5. Address of origin and destination (telephones, emails).

    The requirements to receive your Unaccompanied baggage after to your 

    flight are:

    1. Copy of passport and stamp of entry to the Country.

    2. Copy of Form 530 (delivered on the plane)

    3. Invoice with the Master Guide number. (We will inform you the Name of the Airline the day and the number of the flight on which your luggage will travel).

    Recommendations to consider:

    1. On the plane, you will be given the DIAN form 530 (luggage declaration and representative money certificates). In which you declare that you are carrying unaccompanied luggage with its respective declared value.

    2. At the destination, you must deliver this form to the Customs Officer (Its completion is mandatory).

    3. It is advisable to list the items sent as unaccompanied luggage "EQUIPAJE NO ACOMPAÑADO" with their respective costs and / or purchase invoices.

  • ¿What can I not bring to Colombia as UNACCOMPANIED BAGGAGE?

    1. Vehicles and railroad equipment or automobiles (prohibited)

    2. Aircraft, balloons, airships and gliders (prohibited)

    3. Boats or any floating artifact and / or its parts (prohibited)

    4. Weapons, ammunition and explosives (prohibited)

    5. Transport material such as tires and spare parts for cars or machinery (prohibited)

    6. Exception material for transport: if bicycles, wheelchairs and children's cars can be sent (allowed)

  • ¿What are the conditions of UNACCOMPANIED BAGGAGE in Colombia?

    1. Time spent abroad: minimum 5 days

    2. Maximum value of the merchandise in USD$ 2,500

    3. Type of goods considered unaccompanied baggage: household items, whether or not electrical, sporting goods and articles of the art or trade of the traveler

    4. Maximum quantity units per article: 3 units

    5. Tax to pay (according to the value of the merchandise): 15%

    Example for calculating the tax: If the traveler has been abroad for more than five days, the quota is up to USD$2,500. This includes articles for domestic use, sports and those that are typical of the art or trade of the traveler. 

    You can enter up to 3 units of each, not exceeding the quota of USD2,500, paying 15% taxes (the modality can be used only once a year.). 

    Therefore, it is important to always carry the invoice of the items purchased to verify their value, sometimes these values ​​can be corroborated on the internet and if the website that was searched is for a higher value, the official can readjust the declared value of the goods.

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